"As a former Royal Ballet Company dancer and a passionate supporter of young dancers, I wanted to try and help current vocational dance graduates who have been impacted by the recent pandemic. We know that you are all facing a challenging time and feel frustrated that after all your hard work, you may be feeling uncertain about your future as a professional dancer.
As the world changes so must we. I am beyond delighted and yet humbled by the undeniable success of Grad Pro 2024 which culminated in a contract for BRB2 for Ellyne Knol winner of the Gail Monahan Award. The project has gone from strength to strength this year encompassing incredible support, generous donations, the hard work of many wonderful people and most importantly the sheer calibre of the dancers who signed up.
Traction is evident across the dance sector and the word is out, Grad Pro works! We are excited for Grad Pro 2025 and plan to continue to help Vocational Dance Graduates to keep focussed, have access to exciting performance opportunities and ultimately the chance to reach their ultimate goal.”
Julie Bowers, Executive Producer and Co Creator of Grad Pro

All the latest news and stories from the GradPro Team.


Your substantial support for young talent is so amazing! Thanks to your wonderful help, the ballet world is gaining great artists!

This week has been an amazing creative whirlwind of interesting and varied repertoire, teaching, and creative sessions. I am so grateful for this opportunity and cannot thank Julie enough for all her efforts.

It was a hard and intense week, but I was very grateful to have such amazing teachers. I learned the importance of observation skills, liked responsibility for merging choreography and I now need to keep pushing myself.

As a new Graduate Grad Pro has been a great opportunity to work with different teachers/choreographers and pushed me out of my comfort zone choreographically, artistically, and technically.

The feedback from all the Graduates, from entering the regionals to those progressing to the National Showcase at Elmhurst in May was full of support, sincere thanks, and sheer relief that their difficulties had been recognised and we had created a focus and in some cases a solution, in such difficult times.
Testament to this was that so many of the dancers who took part, armed with newly found confidence, secured themselves work across Europe and the US. The icing on the cake was that our four award winners, recognised unanimously by our esteemed Judges in Birmingham in May, all received contracts with top UK ballet companies.